This singleplayer playthrough has been really intersting so far.

My point bieng is that the Nords have good armies, but I wish that the AI Nord lords would hire mercenary Cavalry, just to even the playing field. Not going to lie, but in my Swadia playthrough, I was cutting through Nord armies like they were not even anything at all.
Now I am not saying that having horsemen is everything in Warband, but it just stinks to have suffer through constant cavalry charges from Swadia, Vaegires, Sarranids and the Khergits. Like the Rhodoks, the Nords are good at taking castles and towns, however, lack cavalry to use on the actual battlefield. The Nords have the best infantry in the game, so thier armies are similar to ones of the Rhodoks, except replace crossbows with archers and you get the Nord armies. Swadia is directly south and to the east is the Vaegirs and Khergits.

The Kingdom of Nords are located in the northern part of Calradia.