Nobody plays the Sims to watch virtual people do homework. Just right click on a skill and type in the level you want! If you’re in a university, have a job, or want to get through an aspiration quickly, right click on a task and complete it with ease. Probably the coolest part of the mod is how easily you can complete skills and job/school tasks.Just drag that hunger bar up, keep hacking into the Landgraab trust fund, and live your best life. You can drag up your needs bars! Seriously - just click on your hunger or energy bar and drag it higher.Go from stranger to husband in just one hour! Just right click on the Sim to change your relationship and then enter in a number to instantly increase or decrease the bar! This works with friendship and romance relationships. This mod is so simple to use it’s like a dream come true. The relationship cheat code is long, confusing, and kind of tedious to type in repeatedly.This mod makes typing in long, annoying cheat codes a thing of the past! Now you can make your sim a level 10 Rocket Scientist in five seconds. Using cheats codes in your game can help you rack up tons of money, build relationships instantly, and quickly build storylines. Look at this dude in his bright orange uniform and that diner hat. Making friends with or flirting with the food delivery person makes for some pretty hilarious gameplay.I have sympathy for you Bella Goth… here’s a beautiful $40 dinner. If I had to eat pizza every meal for days I’d be pretty sick of it. Ordering pizza gets boring after a while.Fancy dishes your sim doesn’t have the skill to cook are available at the press of a button.

You can order meals that you otherwise would not be able to make and it’s so nice.Spending 4 hours to make some nasty eggs just isn’t worth it, so order in! This mod is a huge upgrade to the pizza delivery service, and we love it.